Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Week 3, Group 1, Skills and Definition


The implementation and utilization of electronic medium as an aid in education to create reflection, empowerment, and individuality among students.


Microsoft WordMicrosoft ExcelMicrosoft Powerpoint-
More advanced options
specifically integrate video
Microsoft Outlook
Beyond the basics
MoviemakerCreate and develop a website
Specif javascriptHow to efficiently use PhotoshopCommunicating with Skype on the internet
Effective online learning communities


Microsoft office except access-Charlie
Excel-Jeremy and Clara and Brent
Inserting pictures/designs into a document and being able to write over it with text-Brent
Web CT-Charlie

Monday, January 29, 2007

My desired skills

I am grateful to say I am fairly computer literate. Here is what I would like to learn:

Microsoft Powerpoint-the more advanced features.
Photoshop or similar photo program-I know how to use paint pretty good, but its a very limited program.
Websites and Blogging-I would like to become more familiar with some of the better sites with customization options.
Not quite a skill, but I want to learn about different educational software that can be purchased for classroom use.

What I'm already good at:

Microsoft Word
Microsoft Excel
Microsoft Powerpoint-I can make a presentation, but they could definately become more polished

Educational Technology

I searched the internet and the journals looking for definitions of educational technology. And I came up with multiple long winded definitions such as:

"Technology is the technical means people use to improve their surroundings. It is also a knowledge of using tools and machines to do tasks efficiently."

"Policymakers and the public often pose questions concerning the effectiveness and cost of technology in education, implying that technology is, in itself, an educational activity. In fact, as in business, technology in education is a tool; a means to an end with endless specific implementation possibilities"

"Educational Technology - also known variously as e-learning, instructional technology and learning technology - is the use of technology to support the learning process. Although the term can refer to all kinds of analogue technologies, eg photographs, film, video, audio recordings etc, it is usually used to talk specifically about digital computer technology. "

And last there is the one I like the best from Wikipedia
"Educational technology is the systematic and creative blending of "idea" and "product" technologies with subject-matter content in order to engender and improve teaching and learning processes. "

But what does educational technology mean to me? To be short and blunt, I view it as the technology we use to aid in the education of students. I believe this to be a simple but informative unconfusing definition. Any sort of technology that is utelized in the education of students should be considered, at least at that moment, to be educational technology. That technology could have other noneducational uses, but in that application it was educational.