Sunday, April 22, 2007

My Blog My Vision 4/17 (cont)

I forgot to comment on Second Life. Sadly my pc wont run second life. It keeps crashing after logon which according to their help section seems to mean I do not have a good enough graphics card. I will attempt to get online at school tuesday morning as this will be my first chance at a different pc.

From reading the website and listening to Dr. W. and Kai in class it does seem to be a very powerful learning tool. Maybe I can explore it myself this week :)

My Blog My Vision 4/17

It is intriguing to me that high schoolers can do good in online classes when we have discussed many of ourselves not doing well in college online classes. I believe the difference between our failings and their successes brings up the topic again of quality.
From November's chapter is seems clear that the teachers in these online high schools know what they are doing and are really trying to make these classes quality learning experiences. I agree that these classes are not for everyone and that students should not take a full load online. We all know that not all students learn in the same way, hence it makes sense that not all students are well suited for online learning just as not all students are not suited for classroom learning. Despite saying such, the importance of face to face interactions should not be overlooked. Children need to learn how to interact with other kids in order to function well in life later on.
Overall I believe online learning is another great tool in our teaching toolbox, but do not believe that it should ever become our only tool.