Tuesday, May 8, 2007

My Blog My Vision 5/1/07

My Aha's!

Prior to this class I was scared of not knowing how to utilize technology in the classroom. I felt I was a fairly computer literate person, but had no clue how to incorporate that into a classroom or which programs could be used for educational purposes other than typing up notes, quizzes, and tests.
After completing this class I feel much more comfortable. In no way do I think I am an expert after one short class, but the fear has greatly diminished and I feel like I have a good head start.

I see the purpose of blogs, but feel that personally I will probably accomplish the same results by utilizing a regularly updated website. The ideas behind a blog will be very helpful though. Such as providing the assignment in case a student loses it and having a summary of the class for parents to follow along and actively engage their children in conversations about school.

I like developing an educational philosophy. Prior to this class my opinions on teaching and students was a fairly jumbled mess in my head. Now my thoughts and opinions are organized and written down for myself and others to see. I hope to continue updating my philosophy as my experiences grow and my opinions develop.

Overall I was very happy with the class, what I feel I gained from the class, and how I feel I developed as a future teacher due to the class. :D