Friday, January 26, 2007

Introding ME and my ideas


Well I have put a mini introduction in my profile, but let me fully introduce myself.

I am a Biology Masters student at TAMU-C trying to graduate this spring. I grew up in Wylie, TX however I am a transplanted Texan having been here 17 years (out of 24). I completed my bachelors in Animal Science/Pre-Veterinary Medicine in May 2004, also from TAMU-C and have been working on my masters ever since. I live in Sherman, TX with my husband of 10 months (yeah newlyweds!) and all our critters. Let me explain our animal situation for those city dwellers who think I'm crazy. Like most little girls I was a horse FREAK, I just never grew out of it. I haven't been doing much riding since I've been in school mostly due to not being close to them, but now that they reside across the street from me I am starting back with the hopes of getting into showing again. We have outdoor/barn cats to keep down the abundant mouse population we have in the country. And we own two different breeds of dogs that we breed. We have Doberman Pinschers and Miniature Australian Shepherds. While trying not to have too many pots on the fire, I do have goals of showing my dogs in conformation and obedience classes in the future.

My goal once I receive my degree is to teach on the college level. Although I wouldn't mind teaching at a major university, I would love a short commute and will therefore apply at Grayson County College and Austin College which are both close.

My reasons for taking this class are fairly simple. To begin with the class made my short list due to it fitting the criteria of being a graduate level class that didn't conflict with my other classes and was something I was interested in. I decided on this class mostly to improve myself as a teacher in the ways I use technology in the classroom.

When working through activities this semester I anticipate finding meaning in things I believe I can apply to my classes. I realize this is a fairly short and blunt sentence, but until I complete more assignments and start to see what I'm getting out of them, I didn't really know. From the assignments I have completed so far I have found I relate with several of the philosophies but my views don't seem to be closely aligned to any one philosophy.

I look forward to this semester and hope it will benefit me as much as I anticpiate


Dr. W said...


We have a lot in common as I have a B.S. in Animal Science from Sul Ross State University AND I grew up with horses. I was a barrel racer and rodeoed in h.s., college and a little professional until I decided it was a hard way to make a living!

ClaraJones said...

Rodeo is DEFINANTELY a hard way to earn a living. Do you still do anything with horses or have you given them up entirely?
I never got into rodeo. My first horse is a goofy off the track TB. We messed around at a few playdays but I mostly went to show her that she can trailer somewhere without the goal being to run. She is funny. She loves to get in the trailer but if you stop too long such as at a stop light, she gets annoyed and starts pawing. I think she says if we arnt going anywhere anymore she wants out of the stinking trailer.

Dr. W said...

No - I'm out. My last mare that I raised from a foal died 2 years ago from a bacteria that causes blackleg in cattle - horrible, freaky thing. I can't deal with that again.