Tuesday, April 10, 2007

My Blog My Vision 4/3 Part1

As I read the text and other blogs and see people talking about television and computers being used early in their education all I can think of is its absence in mine. We were lucky to have an occasional film played in class and even then the teacher usually had problems getting the TV and VCR to work. Computers were nonexistent in the classrooms. The only place I recall having computers was in the computer classroom where we were taught the basics of word, excel, and PowerPoint (I need to point out the book taught us as the teacher was fairly clueless). The most ironic thing about this is that I graduated high school in 2000. So my high school was 96-00 and my school district was considered to be one of the most technologically advanced for the area!! SO I can definitely understand where the expectations for technology fell FAR short of the realities. I think one main problem was the inability and apprehension of the teachers. Most of my teachers were a little older and had not grown up with computers and were fearful of trying to learn how to use them.

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